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Dye- Fibres
interaction bonds: For
dye-fibre interaction it is needed that dye has to be substantive (attraction)
to the fibre to be dyed. This
affinity will enable the dye to be absorbed by the fibre. There
are quite a few factors that affect the substant...
Semi continuous
Pad-Batch dyeing is
one of the best example of semi continuous process. Pad-batch dyeing is a cold
method used for dyeing cellulosics (mainly 100-percent cotton and
polyester/cotton blends) material. With this process one
can achiev...
Continuous process of
When there is a need
of high production of one shade of fabric especially for uniform cloth for
military, paramilitary, school etc, continuous dyeing process is very useful. In
the continuous dyeing, fabric is dyed in open widt..
Methods of dyeing Dyeing
can be carried out using any one of the following ways: Batch-wise
dyeing process Semi
continuous process Continuous
process Batch wise Dyeing: Batch
wise dyeing is oldest process of dyeing. It is still very popular as it can be
on colouring materials Dye
manufacturers provide dyers with detailed descriptions of their dyes, regarding
their application and behaviour in normal use, in the so called “Color Card or
Shade Card”. The
most comprehensive reference on dyes and .
of Dyes Before
understanding classification of dyes, we must know the difference in between
dyestuff and pigment. Beside this why we do dyeing and characteristic of dyes
should also be understood well. Let us discuss these points first. Dyest...
How to test desized material (Starch based size): To test the presense
of sizing material i.e starch based sizing material in the fabric iodine
test is conducted. In which the fabric is spotted or treated with
Iodine solution —Iodine dissolved in an aque...
High Pressure Kier with multitubular heater: The modern high pressure
kier with multitubular heater is also known as Walsh's kier and one of
the best kier. The 2 ton capacity kier is most common which is about 9
ft high and 6.5 ft in diameter and mounted o...
The fabric after bleaching contains metallic salts such as calcium
carbonate, magnesium carbonate etc., and other mineral matter. These
salts, if left on the fabric, will not only give a harsh feel but also
affect the uniformity of the shade during...
process used to remove calcium and magnesium impurities presnet in the
fabric, come after processing with hard water. In this process fabric is
treated dilute acid like hydrochloric acid, which dissolve calcium and
magnesium salts and thus make fabric soft. While in the case of
antichlore, the main aim is to remove presnet of cholorin from the
fabric after bleaching fabric using chlorine based bleaching agents like
sodium hypochlorite.
Visual System Retina uses special cells called “rods” and “cones”.
Rods “sees” in black, white & shades of grey and tell us the form or
shape(Super-sensitive allowing us to see when it's very dark). Cones “senses” colour but need more light. Three...
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