Human Values unit-2

¨Understanding Human being as the co-existence of Self (‘I’) and the body
¨Discrimination between the Needs of the Self (‘I’) and the body
¨The Body as an Instrument of ‘I’
¨Understanding Harmony in the self (‘I’)
¨Harmony of the Self (‘I’) with the body
Program to Ensure Sanyam and Swasthya

¨Human being is the co-existence of ‘I' and the Body, i.e. ‘I' and Body exist together and are related. There is a flow of information from ‘I' to the body and from body to the ‘I'.
¨An example of the need of ‘I' — say, respect, while the need of the body is a thing like food. The two things are qualitatively different.
¨All the needs of ‘I', can be called as Happiness (Sukh), while the needs of Body are physical facilities (Suvidha).
¨The need of ‘I’ is continuous, while the need of Body is for a limited time. None of the needs of the body is continuous!
¨There is no relevance of quantity for the needs of I as it is qualitative, while the needs of body are quantitative, and they are limited in quantity.
¨The activities of ‘I' are activities like, desiring, thinking, selecting, while the activities of body are activities like eating, breathing etc.
¨The mode of interaction of ‘I' includes knowing, assuming, recognition & fulfillment. The fulfillment depends on recognition, depends on assumption and assumption depends on knowing or not knowing (belief).
¨If assuming is based on knowledge, then recognition will be correct & fulfillment will be correct.
¨if assuming is not based on knowledge, then things may go wrong.
¨The mode of interaction of body is only recognizing and fulfilling.
8.1 The needs of 'I' and the Body
¨The needs of 'I' is happiness (Sukh), while the need of the body is physical facility (Suvidhii)
¨Feelings like respect, trust give happiness. Examples of physical facilities are food, clothing, etc.
8.2 The need for Sukh is Continuous, need for Suvidhii is Intermittent.
    Example: Need for respect is continuous, need for food is temporary (intermittent). Even air in breathing is required by the body intermittently. There is no need of the body which is continuous.
8.3 Sukh is qualitative but Suvidha is quantative
    Example: The notion of quantity does not apply to Sukh. For example, one cannot say that one needs 5 Kg of trust or 2 meters of respect. But one does quantify the food, clothes, means of transport etc.
8.4 Sukh is ensured by Right Understanding and
   Right Feelings, while
Suvidhil is ensured by
Physico-chemical Things
    Example: Imagine that you are sitting in an air-conditioned room on a big sofa with a friend with whom you have the feeling of opposition. How do you feel? — happy or unhappy? You have enough Suvidhii here, but not the right feeling. Hence Sukh is not ensured.
Another example –
   Imagine that you are seated alone in an air-conditioned room, but tense/depressed. How do you feel? —happy or unhappy? You have again enough Suvidhii here, but not the right understanding. Hence Sukh is not ensured.
8.5 Human being needs both - Sukh and Suvidhii. One cannot replace the other.
Example: If I visit a friend — my desire is that he treats me with respect as well as provides food/water for my hungry/thirsty body. Imagine — I visit a _friend and he provides me with lots of delicious food but treats me with contempt. How would I feel? There is another friend who treats me with utmost warmth but does not even ask me for water. How would I feel in this situation?
I am
My body is
I want to live
Body is used as an instrument (of I)
I want to live with perennial happiness
For nurture of body – food is needed
For protection of body – clothing/shelter
For right utilization of body – instrument/equipment i.e physical facilities are needed
To understand and to live in harmony at all 4 levels is the program  for my perennial happiness
Production, protection, and right utilization of physical facilities is just a part of my program
I am the seer, doer and enjoyer
Body is an instrument, with the help of which, these activities are performed
¨Body is my instrument. I am the one who takes decisions, the body acts accordingly. Example: Eating—this involves both, me as well as my body. I decide to eat and pass the information to body. Thus the food is picked, chewed and then swallowed. Note that it is the I (self) that chooses to eat and makes a choice of what to eat and how much to eat. The body is used just as an instrument in the process of eating.
¨I want to live with continuous happiness. For the body, physical facilities are required in a limited quantity and temporarily. For the nurture of the body, food is required. For protection, clothing and shelter are required. For right utilisation, instruments are required.
¨My complete program is to understand and live in harmony at all the four levels. Production of physical facilities is only a part of my complete program for happiness
¨I am the seer. I see through eyes, the eyes don't see, they are just an instrument used by me. In the eyes, different images are formed every time- it is T who is able to relate it to its meaning.
¨Jam the doer. I select to do, and use the hands or feet or other parts of the body to do the things.
¨I am the enjoyer. When I eat, I get the taste. The body just gets in touch with the food and sends the information to me, it is ‘I' who enjoys the food.
¨10.1 Activities of 'I‘
    To gain more familiarity, let us focus attention on ourselves- the salient activities of T- Let us explore into ourselves
¨Start observing — What am I doing? What is going on in me and what is going on in my Body?
¨Desire, thought, expectation are activities in I, not in the
¨body. They are collectively termed as Imagination. At the level of Body, activities of behavior and work are there.
¨Observe that the activities of TIare continuous, going on every
¨moment, while the activities of the body are going on intermittently.
¨It is to be seen whether these activities are operational on the basis of
¨sensation, or
¨preconditioning, or
¨natural acceptance.
¨lfthey are operating on the basis ofsensation or preconditioning, Jam controlled by extraneous factors (Partantra). If they are operating on the basis of natural acceptance, I am SELF- ORGANISED (Swatantra).
¨10.2 Harmony in the Self (I)
¨Self exploration of harmony at all the levels of my living on the basis of natural acceptance, and experiential validation through living accordingly, leads to Realization and Understanding. This ensures harmony in I
¨Once Realization and Understanding are activated, the other three activities (imaging, analyzing, selecting) get self organized. This is harmony, this is happiness!
¨11.1 Harmony of ‘I’ with the body
¨Let us understand the salient aspects of harmony between ‘I' and the Body which manifests as Sanyam on the part of’I' and Swasthya in the Body. In the light of this harmony, we will also revisit the issue of prosperity, i.e. the appropriate assessment of physical needs and the way to their fulfillment.
¨Sanyam = ‘I’ takes the responsibilities of
¨Nurturing --- Food --- Limited
¨Protection --- Clothing, Shelter --- Limited
¨Proper utilisation of body --- instrument/equipment --- Limited
   Hence, need for physical facilities is limited in quantity
    Swasthya (Health)
¨The Body acts according to the needs of T.
¨There is harmony among the parts of the Body.
¨Sanyam is the feeling of responsibility in 'I' towards the
body for its nurture, protection and right utilization.
¨Switsthya has two elements- the body acts according to me, and there is harmony in the body. The two go together.
¨Explore, what is more basic: Sanyam or Swasthya? If there is Sanyam, health can be ensured. But if Sanyam is not there, a good health can also be lost. So, what is more basic? And, where are we investing most of our energy and resources today- in ensuring Sanyam or in treatment of the unhealthy body?
   Harmony of 'I' with the body is Sanyam in the Self (I) and Swasthyo (Health) in the body. Prosperity is derived from appropriate assessment of physical needs and ensuring their production/availability in more than required quantity.
12.1 Sanyam Ensures Swasthya
¨As we discussed, Sanyam is the feeling of responsibility in the Self (I) towards the Body. With right understanding, I get self- organized and take care of the Body properly. With lack of right understanding, I am not able to do it and the body becomes unhealthy.
¨Another important thing here is that with right understanding and right feelings, the body gets favorably affected.
    Example: When I am happy, the temperature and pressure in the body are normal, when I am angry or tense, they get upset.
¨12.2 Programs of Sanyam
¨Nurturing of the Body (Poshan)
¨I need to arrange for food for the body for its proper nurture. The various elements which make a complete food need to be included so that the food gives proper energy to the body. The following needs are to be taken care of
¨Ingestion (Grahan): The food needs to be chewed well before swallowing. If chewed well, the work of the lower parts of the body is simplified.
¨12.2 Programs of Sanyam
¨Nurturing of the Body (Poshan)
¨I need to arrange for food for the body for its proper nurture. The various elements which make a complete food need to be included so that the food gives proper energy to the body. The following needs are to be taken care of
¨Ingestion (Grahan): The food needs to be chewed well before swallowing. If chewed well, the work of the lower parts of the body is simplified.
¨12.2 Programs of Sanyam
¨Nurturing of the Body (Poshan)
¨I need to arrange for food for the body for its proper nurture. The various elements which make a complete food need to be included so that the food gives proper energy to the body. The following needs are to be taken care of
¨Ingestion (Grahan): The food needs to be chewed well before swallowing. If chewed well, the work of the lower parts of the body is simplified.
¨Digestion (Pachan): This is done by the body itself It needs to be facilitated by eating only when feeling hungry, choosing the food which is easily digestible, choosing the proper posture while taking food, eating the right quantity of food, etc.
¨Excretion (Nishkiisan): The stomach needs to be emptied well eve?), day and only then the fresh food can be taken in. The undigested food needs to be removed from the body after a given time or it starts spoiling the body.
¨Protection of the Body (Sanrakshan)
¨I need to arrange for clothing and shelter for the body to protect it.
¨The clothes and shelter need to be such that they ensure proper interaction of the body with the environment. The right amount of exposure of the body to the air, water and sun is required to ensure its proper functioning.
¨Along with this, I need to ensure the following:
¨Proper upkeep (Vihar) of the body: This includes proper rest and movement of the body.
¨Labour (Shram): Labour means employing the body physically for production and maintenance ofphysical facilities.
¨Physical Exercises (Vyayam)
¨Asan-Pranayam: The systems of the body have to be kept running properly through Asanas (giving the body proper postures by sitting or lying) and Pranayam (breathing exercises).
¨Treatment (Upchar) of the body: The body may get unhealthy at times. Then I need to treat the body to make it healthy again. For this, I may go without food for some time, or arrange for only specific kinds of food for the body which are fit to use in that period.
¨I may treat the body with air, water, sun, soil, herbs or medicines. Here one thing to understand is that, the systems of the body work in a self-organized way and I only need to facilitate the self-organization of the body.
¨At times, I may need to go for surgery of the body too.
Right Utilization of the Body (Sadupyog)
¨I need to arrange for equipments/instruments for right utilization of the body. They increase the efficiency and capacity of the body.
¨Another thing here is that when I employ my body for right behavior and work, it has favorable effects on the body, and if I use it for acting in opposition with other human beings or nature, like quarrelling, fighting, hitting, it has adverse effect  on the body.
¨Sanyam ensures Sweisthyo. The programs of Son yam include nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body so that this instrument can be used for the purpose for which it is meant. That is to gain and actualize the right understanding.



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